
Following the success of 2015 and of 2016, OpenFLR will organise an extra performance for the participants of OpenFLR. This improvisation performance will take place in Florence’s public space, and it will be lead by local artists Carolina Amoretti and Cristina D’Alberto, members of FIKA. NOTE: the process and the […]
Site Specific Performance 2017

When? 20th July 2016, 21:30 Where? Limonaia di Villa Strozzi Program: Coreography: Rosalba Torres Guerrero with Danya Gonzalez, Chloe Lao, Aranza Flores Mojica Coreography: Manuel Ronda with Alejandro Chavez Flores, Giulia Piana, Diana Gulezen, Yokoyani Arreola Sanchez, Danai Christakakou, Claudia Lomar, Marisol Xochihua Rojo Coreography: Guido Sarli with Andrea Galizia, […]
OpenFLR 2016 Final Performance

When? 19th July 2016, 18:30 Where? Teatro Romano di Fiesole Program: Coreography: Rosalba Torres Guerrero with Danya Gonzalez, Chloe Lao, Aranza Flores Mojica Coreography: Manuel Ronda with Alejandro Chavez Flores, Giulia Piana, Diana Gulezen, Yokoyani Arreola Sanchez, Danai Christakakou, Claudia Lomar, Marisol Xochihua Rojo Coreography: Guido Sarli with Andrea Galizia, […]
OpenFLR 2016 Tryout @ Fiesole

OpenFLR goes to the Garden Giovani talenti internazionali al Giardino dell’Orticoltura Giovedi’ 14 Luglio 2016, h 20:30 – Facebook event Nell’ ambito dell’ Estate Fiorentina 2016, dal 9 giugno al 28 Luglio 2016 all’ interno del Giardino dell’Orticultura si svolgera’ Creative Factory, a cura dell’Associazione Heyart. Il 14 Luglio Creative Factory […]
OpenFLR goes to The Garden – 14th July 2016 @ ...

Following the success of 2015, Attivisti della Danza will organise and lead again an extra performance for the participants of OpenFLR. This improvisation performance will take place in the streets of Florence, and it will happen on the 9th of July 2016. Program: 19:30 Torrino Santa Rosa 20:30 Piazza Ognissanti […]
Site Specific Performance 2016

Riccardo Meneghini, one of the choreographers who created new works for OpenFLR 2014, has just concluded a residency in Silandro with Giulia Piana, who participated to OpenFLR 2014. The duo presented Anima/Animus on 19th September, within Lange Nacht des Tanzes mit Riccardo Meneghini.
Riccardo Meneghini & Giulia Piana – residency

The participants of OpenFlr 2015, in collaboration with Attivisti della Danza, are bringing to life a dance itinerary in the most popular places of Florence’s mesmerizing historical center. Dancers from New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Hong Kong, Uk, Usa, Estonia and Italy cwill ollaborate together to bring dance to the streets […]